New Zealand’s reputation as a business-friendly country is well-founded. Ranked number one in the world for the ease of both doing business and starting a business, entrepreneurship in New Zealand is so simple that you can literally start a business in a day.
But while enterprises may be easy to start, running and building them requires a lot of work. Luckily, there are plenty of great resources to help you out. From tax obligations and food safety to employing foreign workers, we’ve put together a list of seven useful and free resources that provide a wealth of information for business owners in the Queenstown Lakes District.
1. How to start your business today
We weren’t joking. New Zealand really is ranked the easiest country in the world to start a business. The World Bank Group has been ranking economies on a global index since 2001, and we topped the list!
The process of starting a business in New Zealand is very straightforward. At you can find easy-to-understand information on planning, getting set up and funding and finance. With step-by-step plans, follow-along guides, and simple tools to check on the legal stuff – like finding a name and choosing a business structure – is the best resource around.
2. How to deal with “that tax stuff”
Let’s face it, nobody likes dealing with taxes. Even the tax department is probably over it by the end of the fiscal year. But in New Zealand, the tax department is actually kind-of on your side, well, as much as they can be! The Inland Revenue Department provide a range of great free resources to those in business or starting a business. If you’re starting a business, download their Smart Business Guide here, or if you’re looking for employer tax information, click here to find everything you need to know.
3. Employment Contracts 101
Bogged-down with legal jargon, technical wording, and a whole host of potential pitfalls, employment contracts are a hot-mess when you first start putting them together. To make it easy, use this Employment Agreement Tool to put together the contract you need in only 30 minutes! The tool also outlines your legal obligations for you and covers common mistakes made by employers.
4. No Kiwis to fill that role? Hire foreign workers!
If you’re struggling to find New Zealanders to fill a certain role, Immigration New Zealand offer an Essential Skills Work Visa to support New Zealand employers in meeting their staffing needs with migrant workers. Check out the following links to get started:
Queenstown employer guide: how to apply for work visas
5. Keep Immigration New Zealand on speed-dial
If you do employ foreign workers, keeping Immigration New Zealand’s contact information handy is a good idea. Bookmark this link to save Queenstown-specific contacts on “speed-dial”.
Immigration NZ contact points for Queenstown stakeholders
6. Selling food? Save your bacon by adhering to the Food Safety Act
If you’re starting a food business, the Ministry for Primary Industries want to know about it. You’ll need to follow certain rules under the Food Safety Act 2014 to ensure that you fit under MPI’s Food Safety Structure. It’s easy to get started with the My Food Rule tool. Use this questionnaire to find out the food safety rules for your type of business or activity.
7. Stay safe with Health and Safety
Finally, keep your business healthy by adhering to WorkSafe’s Guide to the Health & Safety At Work Act 2015. You can learn about your Health and Safety obligations and download the guide here.
Want more?
If you’re loving the free resources and you just want more, check out the following links from the Queenstown Chamber of Commerce:
Queenstown Chamber free resources