We’ve collected some of the most important information for businesses regarding COVID-19 here. Feel free to bookmark this page as we will add information here as it comes to hand.
August updates
20 August: We’ve gathered a few new updates regarding last week’s move to Alert Level Two. Plus recent developments in government support schemes.
Resurgence wage subsidy (WINZ): to be eligible you must be able to predict a 40% decrease in revenue from COVID-19 for the period between 12 August to 10 September 2020. Find out other eligibility requirements.
Leave support scheme (WINZ): this is available for employers to pay their employees who can’t come into work because, for example, they have come into contact with COVID-19.
Fully funded support through Regional Business Partners (RBP): this funding programme has recently been extended. As an approved advisor, we are able to offer one-on-one support for business continuity planning, cashflow management and more. Find out if you are eligible and more details in our blog.
Lesser known business support schemes (stuff.co.nz): business support that you may not have heard of.
Mortgage deferral scheme extended (Reserve Bank): mortgage holidays are available for a further 6 months until 31 March 2021.
Small Business Cashflow Loan Scheme (IRD): applications have been extended until and including 31 December 2020 and the criteria widened to include more businesses.
Re-estimating provisional tax (IRD): Inland Revenue is allowing tax payers affected by COVID-19 to estimate down their provisional tax payments. IRD can also arrange early refunds if provisional tax has been overpaid.
Other tax initiatives & relief (IRD)
NZ COVID Tracer QR code (covid19.govt.nz): is your business displaying the code?
Business & human resources
Business information (business.govt.nz): the government’s central resource for COVID-19 business information with updates about COVID-19 and guidance to help businesses.
Operating your business at Alert Levels 1-4: frequently asked questions about each alert level as well as examples of what each alert level might look like for different kinds of businesses.
Business at Alert Level 3 (covid19.govt.nz): many businesses can start to open under Alert Level 3. They must take health measures to keep their workers safe.
Fully funded business support through Regional Business Partner Network: funding for businesses to access one-on-one support with professionals for business continuity planning, cashflow forecasting and more. Read more about this in our blog.
Business Continuity Hub (Xero): information on business continuity planning, cashflow tracking, looking after yourself and your team.
COVID-19 and the workplace (employment.govt.nz): guidance for employees, employers and businesses, and financial support.
Running your business remotely (Xero): articles, online course and webinars to enable you and your employees to continue to work effectively online.
Register your employment issue: Together, the online campaigning arm of the New Zealand Union movement, recommends that employees who have been treated unlawfully register their experience so that it can be followed up.
Information for landlords (tenancy.govt.nz): information about law changes and what to in certain situations, eg, tenants having trouble paying rent.
Wage subsidy
Apply for the wage subsidy extension (WINZ)
Apply for the wage subsidy and leave payments (WINZ)
How to account for the wage subsidy (Xero): Covid 19 wage subsidy scheme – simplified and how to set it up in Xero.
Wage subsidy FAQs: your questions answered on eligibility, how to apply and employer obligations
Wage subsidy employer search (IRD): you can search here for companies that have received payments under the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme
Tax/insolvency relief and financial support
Temporary loss carry-back scheme (IRD): businesses expecting to make a loss in either the 2019/20 year or the 2020/21 year would be able to estimate the loss and use it to offset profits in the past year. In other words, they could carry the loss back one year.
Managing your taxes (IRD): tax relief may be available to people and businesses affected by the downturn in business due to COVID-19. Inland Revenue will write-off any penalties and interest for businesses unable to pay taxes on time due to the impact of COVID-19. Get in touch with them (or us) as soon as you can.
Other tax relief includes certificates of exemption for schedular payments, changes to provisional tax and depreciation, and more.
Insolvency relief (Companies Office): the Government will be introducing legislation to make changes to the Companies Act to help businesses facing insolvency due to COVID-19 to remain viable, with the aim of keeping New Zealanders in jobs.
Business finance support and mortgage holidays (business.govt.nz): the Government, retail banks and the Reserve Bank announced a major financial support package for businesses and home owners
Beehive press releases
Government funds cycleways and footpaths post COVID-19